

There’s a reason advertisings been around since 3,000 B.C.
It works.

There’s a reason advertising’s been around since people starting drawing on cave walls. It works.

Advertising’s been around for 3,000 years. But that’s no reason not to try something new.

Advertising is one of the most direct ways you can talk to your customers, whether to persuade, inform or, most importantly, motivate. Advertising has experienced a sea-change however, not just since those primitive ancient ads but also amid the current digital revolution we live in. We’ve been experts in advertising for decades, and we predict an ongoing evolution in the way consumers are exposed to, digest and respond to advertising. What will never change, however, is the powerful impact an advertisement – whether digital, print or another medium – can have to build loyalty and motivate your customers to take action.

Digital advertising

We are living in the era of digital. While we may use different technologies to create advertising, the digital medium with which we deliver those ads remains king. Despite being exposed to as many as 5,000 digital ads a day, consumers are responding. For every $1 spent on pay-per-click ads, businesses average $2 in revenue. Most companies spend the bulk of their ad dollars in digital. This investment is one of the quickest and most effective ways to increase your brand reach, expand awareness and create positive brand associations.


Traditional Advertising

Digital may be king, but traditional advertising still matters. Depending on your audience, a well-placed print ad or billboard can drive significant revenue. When consumers see your message across multiple mediums, it breeds familiarity with your brand. And studies show consumers tend to put higher trust in traditional advertising. We can help you with integrated advertising strategies to get the most value for your campaign.


Guerilla Advertising

Be it viral or non-traditional or even a stunt… one thing for sure is that guerilla advertising is fun! It takes a certain appetite for risk, but the payoffs can be far reaching. A guerilla approach requires creativity to attract attention. It plays on emotions and works best when it catches people off-guard. The good news is that it doesn’t have to cost a lot to be effective and it can inspire entirely new relationships with your audience. Even better, well-executed guerilla advertising can move on its own momentum, creating exciting PR opportunities and opening the door to many new voices who can evangelize your brand.